As Stoptober begins, Worcestershire County Council’s Public Health team is delighted to announce a new stop smoking service.
Stoptober is the Department of Health and Social Care’s annual stop smoking campaign which runs throughout October. It is based on the evidence that if a smoker makes it to 28 days smoke-free they are five times more likely to quit for good.
This Stoptober anyone who lives in Worcestershire can get even more help to quit with our brand-new stop smoking service.
A team of specialist advisors can help people quit and, provide free expert advice tailored to an individual’s needs for up to 4 weeks.
What we offer;
Everyone’s journey to quit smoking is unique, so we offer personalised support. This includes a customised action plan, free vapes, and assistance with any challenges they might encounter.
Here’s what they can expect:
- Initial Consultation: They’ll start with a one-on-one session over the phone with a trained stop-smoking advisor who will help them create a plan that fits their lifestyle.
- Weekly Support: Regular telephone check-ins will keep them on track and provide encouragement as they work towards their goal.
- Free Vape Starter Kit: To help them transition away from cigarettes we’ll provide vape starter kit vouchers at no cost.
- Follow-up: 4 weeks after their quit date, we’ll check in with them by phone to ensure they’re still on the path to success.
Any adult (18 and over) who lives in Worcestershire or has a registered GP in Worcestershire can use the service.
To find out more go to or call 0800 772 0307 or 01905 928 185.
To refer people directly to the service please go to:
They can also go to any library in Worcestershire if they need help to get online to book into the service.
Anyone who is pregnant or lives with a child under three years old can get even more support to stop smoking. Find out more at